Loft ladder expert

20 Elizabeth Road Henley on Thames Oxon RG9 1RG m: 0788 44 71 232 e:

Serving suggestion. Models not included

I think you’ll find Century Gothic at 32 pixels high makes an excellent page header, but just keep the leading to about 90%.... Look, click here....
No animals were harmed in the production of this website, although if Sofia doesn’t move her paw and tail pretty soon she will get unceremoniously dumped outside....
My mum says the reason so many of your customers like the website is - it’s written by cats! … AND we don’t have opposable thumbs! Oh ha ha very funny I’m sure…. Well when I saw the “RESERVED” sign, I naturally assumed… Yes , its called working from home! Brilliant! In my next life I’m coming back as… A CAT! But mum I thought I was Born In A Wagon Of A Travelling Show according to Cher, not a shoebox during Henley Royal  Regatta! Where’s  the working class struggle in that? I already have, at least 5 times so far! Yes but you’re rubbish at getting back down so we’ve had to get Troy, the nice young man  from Twiggers tree surgeons to get you down at  75 quid a  pop! AT 7.30AM! So this is our job, half an hour’s web design in the morning and 18 hours sleeping? MUUUUUM! I can see our house from here!! I’m just soooo good at climbing trees! Mum, am I called Willow because my tail is soooo soft and bushy like a spring Pussy Willow? No my poppet, its because you’re daft as a brush…. Tsk! Kids today ! I keep telling them Content Is King in web design but they just won’t listen! Mum, Willow says the importance of content Above The Fold is an outdated construct in today’s internet! Owwww! It’s true! Jakob Nielsen showed, back in ‘ 97, that users will scroll if what they see above the fold interests them enough to keep them reading!
Our IT department is run by CATS! Its not artificial! And not very intelligent either….!
Mum, This shoe box seems to have shrunk…

Henley On Thames

Can I come too, I’ve been double jabbed? … no, that was for cat flu my poppet.. … with as much common sense as a twig I like employees smarter than me, do you understand Google AdWords analytics? No, nobody does, but I DO understand Fetch, Sit, Stay and the idea of walks! I got stuck up a tree and it cost them 70 quid! That’s nothing,  I ate a grape and it was 200 quid then fell off the bed and it was 300! The trick is wait till OUT OF HOURS! Oops I think we’ve been binned! It worse than that!, it’s the recycling bin! We’re going to be a pair of oven gloves! Your web design team is up and ready for work. Just one problem, we can’t reach the keyboard…
the future is here: Cat gpt4
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CALL NOW to book a 2 section loft ladder & hinged hatch - fixed price fitting £265!   0788 447 1232 Call now to book a 2 section loft ladder fitting with hinged hatch, fixed price £265 Click here 07884471232 Where’s Willow? I’m sure I saw him around here a minute ago…. I do like my days out at the Henley royal Regatta…. WTF! Look what I made! Who needs opposable thumbs when you’ve got a Cricut maker thingy! Look, I was born in a BOX , I just like confined spaces , OK? I don’t get it, they don’t move, you can’t eat them , just what is the point? Her idea of play and mine are quite different, I’m keeping a low profile…. YOU’RE HIRED!

Loft ladder expert

20 Elizabeth Road Henley on Thames Oxon RG9 1RG m: 0788 44 71 232 e: steve@loftladderexpe


I think you’ll find Century Gothic at 32 pixels high makes an excellent page header, but just keep the leading to about 90%.... Look, click here.... My mum says the reason so many of your customers like the website is - its written by cats! Your web design team is ready for work - just one problem, we can’t reach the mouse…. … AND we don’t have opposable thumbs! Oh ha ha very funny I’m sure…. Oh ha ha very funny I’m sure…. When I saw the “RESERVED” sign I naturally assumed… But mum I thought I was Born In A Wagon Of A Travelling Show according to Cher, not a shoebox during Henley Royal  Regatta! Where’s  the working class struggle in that? Yes but you’re rubbish at getting back down so we’ve had to get Troy, the nice young man  from Twiggers tree surgeons to get you down at  75 quid a  pop! Yes , its called working from home! Brilliant! In my next life I’m coming back as… A CAT! I already have, at least 5 times so far! So this is our job, Half an hour’s web design in the morning and 18 hours sleeping? MUUUUUM! I can see our house from here!! I’m just soooo good at climbing trees! No my poppet, its because you’re daft as a brush…. … with as  much common sense as a twig. Mum, am I called willow because my tail is soooo soft and bushy like a spring Pussy Willow?

Henley On Thames

Mum, This shoe box seems to have shrunk… Can I come too, I’ve been double jabbed? … no, that was for cat flu my poppet.. I like employees smarter than me, do you understand Google adwords analytics? No, nobody does, but I DO understand Fetch, Sit, Stay and the idea of walks! You’re HIRED! I got stuck up a tree and it cost them 70 quid! That’s nothing,  I ate a grape and it was 200 quid then fell off the bed and it was 300! The trick is wait till OUT OF HOURS!
Loft Ladder Expert, the only website on The Net designed by cats. (which explains a lot….)
Mum,  willow says the importance of content Above The Fold is an outdated construct in today’s internet! Owwww! It’s true! Jakob Nielsen showed, back in ‘ 97, that users will scroll if what they see above the fold interests them enough to keep them reading! Tsk! Kids today ! I keep telling them Content Is King in web design but they just wont listen! Contact Form Contact Form
Click for contact form -opens in new window
Call now to book 2 section loft ladder fitting with  hinged hatch, fixed price £265  07884471232